Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity as an international organization that lobbies for peace, especially deals with personalities of U.S. policy and democracy not only for the fact that they are one of the most developed and powerful states’ union, but for the democratic governance model they have chose, a model that offers peace, prosperity and stability to their citizens and friendly countries which aspire for democracy and peace.
Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity has a gro
up of intellectual advisors and representatives whom work with passion for the perfection of their personalities, with the best values of an intellectual man model and for the social figure as peace’s warriors as well. They are ready to lobby, negotiate, mediate, and to help with decisively about the peace’s cause everywhere in the world. They sacrifice to help people in need, to create even a little peace in troubled souls by the numerous difficulties of life.
Such is also the advisor Rodney D. Dir from California, a completed intellectual, well educated and enlightened a successful businessman with a charity spirit, willing to help with donations notably the orphans’ organizations and people with economic problems as well. He is a journalist, works too much to develop his affinities for international diplomacy to have as much knowledge in the field of legislation of human rights, for peace and prosperity.
He is often found with figures of policy and diplomacy, with senators, congressmen, diplomats, ambassadors, great advocates and prominent activists of human rights and peace especially for this reason. Politicians such as the senator Bob Dole and the congressman Devin Nunes are his best friends. Rodney D. Dir knows how to take advantage from the experience of the best, to perfect himself as a peace’s warrior.
I am a peace’s warrior by myself, that’s why I advice all my interlocutors how to become warriors of peace and prosperity. There where is peace, lies the Paradise, -is often expressed the advisor Rodney D. Dir.